Wednesday, September 5, 2018

DNATIX- Fostering Healthcare Industry

The genetics blockchain company, today announced the pilot of a breakthrough blockchain-based infrastructure and ecosystem for anonymous genetic testing, services and research.
DNAtix is the first company to successfully transfer a genetic sequence over the Ethereum Blockchain.

The Vision

DNAtix means to make a future environment for Genetics where customers, scientists, labs and centers work making Genetics more available, straightforward and unknown. DNAtix plans to offer bleeding edge Genetics and Blockchain administrations which expects to be unknown and encoded and means to include: examination, stockpiling and exchange of digitized DNA successions through a Direct-to Consumer stage (D2C).

The DNAtix Solution

DNAtix is solving the privacy issue once and for all for testing highly sensitive DNA data with the first infrastructure blockchain ecosystem solution for anonymous genetic services.
The DNAtix genetics ecosystem links individual users in the search of health solutions, or answers to ancestral questions, with products and services that fit their needs. The DNAtix platform allows users to download partial or complete genomic sequences in a simple and anonymous way. It intends to conduct genetic tests and intends to offer clients the opportunity to contact the appropriate genetic disease testing solution provider. DNAtix intends for users to take responsibility for their genetic data, encouraging them to manage their health today, moving from reactive to preventive medicine.
DNAtix is also developing a dedicated Token – the DNATIX token – that will be integrated into the use of its DNAtix genetic platform. The DNAtix token has smart contracts built into it enabling -for the first time- the anonymous and secure analysis, transfer, and storage of DNA sequences. The DNAtix wallet will facilitate anonymous payment for a wide range of genetic services.


While the true potential of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry is still being realized, companies like DNAtix are pushing the envelope further, eager to change the world in the process.
In a world full of data, the most important but often overlooked aspect, often involves your health. Analyzing genomic big data and developing new health solution has the possibility to change not only your life, but the lives of millions worldwide.
As privacy and integrity of data finally become a priority, blockchain technology is sure to gain speed within the space as more and more industry professionals begin to adopt and adapt to this breakthrough.

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