Sunday, August 26, 2018

Qravity- Fighting Media Piracy


The way we consume media is changing and as content owners and producers look for new ways to keep audiences engaged, the challenges of protecting content across multiple screens becomes increasingly difficult. Innovation, of course, is a good thing, but as new ways of streaming content are developed, it is actually aiding digital piracy. Piracy is not helping creative minds in todays economy and managing creative projects is challenging at best, a chaotic mess at worst. Project founders have access to a wide variety of applications to help them guide their teams. These task assignment and tracking tools exchange data among team members, typically in the cloud. While this is highly secure, it’s not perfect, a project’s centralized data storage and transmission processes are vulnerable to hacking  , it’s just a matter of finding a single point of entry. Cybercrime has become a major concern in the entertainment industry since the 2014 with many giant media companies fallen victim to hackers.
To help protect digital content during its development and distribution, Qravity is integrating blockchain technology into its platform. This ensures that the data in each project is immutable, tamper-resistant, less prone to being lost or deleted, and highly resistant to hacking. Also, Qravity improves collaboration and eliminates obstacles as producers and creators conceive, develop, and distribute unique content that consumers crave.
At Qravity, it is believed that the creators who satisfy constant demand for new digital entertainment and applications deserve more than fair payment for their work. They’re entitled to ownership of the the movies, TV series, videogames, ebooks, audiobooks, and applications they produce, regardless of whether they do so on their own or as part of a team. And for that ownership to have value, their content needs protection from the pirate hordes that plague cyberspace.

Qravity Platform

The platform uses virtual tokens on the Ethereum blockchain to track digital content creation, distribute project stakes among creative team members, and bring Qravity-produced content directly to market.
Blockchain technology makes the platform’s transactions transparent in terms of revenue, product distribution, and profit sharing. Generally speaking, Qravity improves collaboration and eliminates obstacles as producers and creators conceive, develop, and distribute unique content that consumers crave. For more information, please visit


  • Large, verifiable and highly endorsed team, team members have a lot of prior experience in relevant industries
  • Tokenization model is innovative and simple to understand for common investors
  • Working MVP that looks great
  • Detailed and transparent description of funds allocation
    *‍ Roadmap seems realistic and achievable considering the team and its size

Who is Behind Qravity?

Most of the team members on Qravity have verified LinkedIn profiles. This is all good because the more transparency a company have in regard to their team, the more trustworthy they typically are.
Qravity led by Rienhard David Brandstaetter (CEO and Founder) and Christian Sascha Dennstedt (CFO and Founder).
Brandstaetter is a music composer and producer by trade who previously worked at Rockstar Games and Sony DADC. He’s also the founder and Managing Director of a Vienna-based 3D animation studio named Tectonic Slide.
Sascha, meanwhile, is an entrepreneur and angel investor who operators across a wide range of industries and has co-founded several biotech startups. He also co-founded Tectonic Slide Entertainment with Brandstaetter.


Creators will keep on creating. Consumers will keep on consuming. And pirates will keep on pirating. Qravity will help consumers get the awesome content they demand, and to prevent pirates from getting anything. Most importantly, Qravity is forming a new universe of digital content production and distribution in which creators get the rewards and content ownership they deserve.
This article is just an extract of what Qravity have to offer. The whitepaper will provide an in-depth and thorough analysis of this wonderful project. You can click on the link below and find out more about this wonderful project.
Published by - belushiiwuzeree

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